Encrypt your passwords and store them locally on your PC.
How does it work? Actually very simple.
You must enter a master password and a PIN code.
Both the master password and the PIN code are used to encrypt your passwords.
After you have entered a master password and a PIN code, you can start entering your regular passwords in the appropriate column.
Your encrypted passwords will appear in a separate column.
When you have finished entering your passwords, copy the encrypted passwords to a special column (use paste special: values only).
You can then delete your original passwords, the master password and the PIN code.
Now only the (copied) encrypted passwords are visible and you can save the Excel sheet.
If you need your passwords, open the file, enter the master password and your PIN code, and your original passwords will become visible again.
The only thing you now have to remember is your master password and your PIN code.
Download Password Encryptor 2.0: PasswordEncryptor_v2.0